Feeling Lost with Your Hawaii Taxes? 

We specialize in Hawaii Taxes. We know the processes to efficiently file all of your Hawaii taxes so you can stop worrying about them.

Let's determine your Hawaii tax requirements. Which situation(s) below represents you? 

Military Service

PCS orders requiring you to sell your Hawaii home? HARPTA - 7.25% withholding on the gross sales price of your property, may apply.

We specialize in filing HARPTA waivers or reductions for PCS situations, prior to closing. We also can assist in obtaining your HARPTA withholding soon after closing.  


PCS and renting out your Hawaii property? 

Ensure your property manager or someone like us are handling your Hawaii tax requirements. You have enough to worry about! 

Seller (non-resident)

The biggest tax issue for sellers who are not Hawaii residents is HARPTA. This is an automatic 7.25% withholding on the gross sales price of your property. 

We have filed hundreds of HARPTA related returns for sellers.


Landlord / Rental

Are you relying on your property manager to handle your Hawaii taxes? 

We have assisted hundreds of delinquent taxpayers catch-up with their Hawaii taxes after finding out it was their responsibility, not their property managers. 

Busy Taxpayer

Both life and the timing between tax deadlines move fast. Forgot to file your Hawaii Tax returns and have additional penalties & interest?

Don't worry, we are here for you! We have efficiently caught up filings up to 10 years and have 100% success representing taxpayers to the tax office to obtain penalty waivers through the VDA program.

How Can We Service You?

Our service promise is to take the Hawaii tax stress off your list and onto ours. We will handle your required Hawaii tax return compliance. Just say the words "ENGAGE and GO" and we will take over your Hawaii taxes!


Do you just need one filing for HARPTA - prior to closing or after closing? We ensure responsive and quick service to ensure you receive your HARPTA money back ASAP!


We understand success comes from continuing to know what you didn't know and helping others be in the know. We can help you understand Hawaii taxes. We would love to schedule a one-on-one, seminar, or online presentation and/or workshop. 

For sellers and taxpayers, we provide education through our in-depth one-on-one consultation to understand your specific situation. 


We would love to discuss your situation with you. If you have a specific tax issue or want to discuss if you qualify for HARPTA or other Hawaii tax requirements, we can figure that out with you. 


After learning about your requirements, you may need to file multiple past period(s) of tax returns. We can synchronize filing your various tax returns along with HARPTA deadlines for an efficient and stream-lined process in-house.  We are also successful in obtaining waivers of penalties for your late filing and payments.

Contact Us - Let's Talk About Your Hawaii Tax Situation 

Why Use Hawaii Tax Filings?

Hawaii tax rules and process thereon can be extremely confusing. This is where an experienced CPA is important to: